Subject: A Quick Follow Up To Keep You In The Loop😉

First and foremost I wanted to wish you a

Great weekend ahead!

I wanted to take a quick moment of your time

to thank you for your interest in the 'The Everyday

Person's Guide To Gold And Silver' as well as

the 'How to Save in Silver And Gold' webinar.

Your time is greatly appreciated.

I just wanted to let you know that we have

added several informational videos to the the

Silver And Gold Solutions website.

If you were not able to attend the webinar or

you wanted to watch some of the videos again

they are available on the "Getting Started"

page of the site.

If there is any other information that you need

or would like video tutorials on, please feel free

to hit reply and let me know your thoughts.

We did add more specific videos about 7k's

save, share and earn program including how

the 'earn' portion works 😉

If you have any questions at all you can hit

reply, or contact me through the website, or

give me a call.

In closing I wanted to congratulate 🎉 Marlon

Johnson for being the winner in our webinar

attendee contest!

As always, my very best to you for continued

success and happiness in life!

Have a Great weekend!




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