Subject: Friend, what influence are you having on your teams culture?

Culture is more than what you talk about. It is a combination of what you say, what are you do, and who you're ultimately being in your workplace.

What influence are you having on your teams' culture?

Hey Friend,

I love a good Dr. Suess quote, there's always such wisdom. This one is particularly good about culture...

"Culture will do what culture will do, if you don't manage it, it will manage you."

I would say that a leaders role is more to influence than manage culture but I think the quote serves as a good reminder.

You are always having an impact on your environment in some way, shape or form so be intentional about what you say, what you do and who you're being...not just in the workplace but in life.

Take a listen to my latest Dynamic Leader podcast where I share my thoughts and insights on culture and how you can influence it in a positive way.

If you're keen to increase your influence on culture reach out for a conversation about the programs I run in this space.

Until then, stay awesome!

S. 😁

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