Subject: Friend, how will you achieve 101 days of training by 2025?

Only 56% of core skills that will be required to perform a job will remain the same by 2025 according to a Future of Jobs survey.

How will you achieve 101 days of training by 2025?

Hey Friend

If you were to add up all of the training/upskilling/cross-skilling/learning you've completed over the past year, how many days would it equate to?

In a 2020 Future of Jobs survey they estimated that each of us would need to "complete 101 days of training to be able to continue to perform our roles by 2025". Based on these numbers we should be investing in at least 20 days of training every year.

So how are you tracking?

If you're below 20, how will you make up for it this year?

Do you have a learning plan?

Learning doesn't need to be all consuming or delivered in big chunks.

For me, learning forms part of my daily rhythm and involves things like:

🌱Reading a book (Limitless by Jim Kwik is a good one)

🌱Listening to a podcast (Revolutionist History by Malcolm Gladwell gets you thinking)

🌱Taking an online course

🌱Joining a live virtual course (like the Dynamic Leaders Tutelage 😜)

🌱Gaining an accreditation (I became LSI certified in 2021)

🌱Engage a coach

🌱Try a new activity (I learnt to rock climb in 2021 too)

Don't let the year pass you by...Step into your learning zone and grow with purpose and passion!

To become a dynamic leader join me at the next tutelage commencing 22nd of February.


Until then, stay awesome!

Shelley 😁

Dynamic Leaders Tutelage

A program of insight, perspective, and reflection – often things you don’t get in your day-to-day. This one-month program is ideal for leaders who need strategies and tools to lead their team/s effectively.


I'm offering 22 people a complimentary one on one development session with me to help identify areas to build confidence, save time and become more effective in the way they lead. Want to secure yourself a place? Register here.

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