Subject: Friend, guess what? Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility are one of the top ten job skills of tomorrow!

How resilient are you and your team? Are you continuously developing these skills and investing in activities that help to prepare you for adversity?

Personal resilience program kicking off next week!

Hey Friend,

I'm not sure about you but I continue to read about the importance of building and maintaining resilience.

Here's a few things I've seen come through in the last couple of weeks:

  • In August employee burnout risk reached a two-year high (Josh Bersin).

  • Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility are one of the top ten job skills for tomorrow (Future of Jobs survey 2020).

  • Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, some 42 percent of employees globally have reported a decline in mental health. Symptoms of burnout are increasing among employees and leaders alike (McKinsey).

  • “There is a single word that sums up 2020 and does encapsulate, in a deeper sense, the shared experience of billions of people this year, that word is resilience” ~ Ariana Huffington.

If you haven't yet invested in developing resilience than consider joining the next virtual resilience program I'm running.

It encourages you to reflect on your current ‘life’ position and aims to equip you with the tools you need to shift focus and bounce back from adversity. Register here.

If you would like to have a chat about running in-house programs for your team please reach out for a chat.

Stay awesome!

S. 😁

Other development opportunities 👇


This series is ideal for new or emerging leaders who need strategies and tools to lead their team/s effectively. With an effective structure and a shift in focus it is possible to build a sustainable environment to operate dynamically. Register

Coaching with Shelley is conducted in line with ICF Core Competencies and focuses on closing the gap between where you currently are and where you'd like to be. It is not for the faint hearted - only those ready to make real change. Learn more

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