Subject: Friend, do you know a leader that wants to be more dynamic?

Can you help me? As a past Dynamic Leaders Tutelage participant I'd love to know if you have anyone you can recommend to attend the next program?

Can you name one leader Friend?

Hey Friend,

I hope your 2022 has kicked off well, can you believe we're nearly into the second month of the year already!

I'm reaching out to you in the hope of filling the four remaining spaces I have in my upcoming virtual Dynamic Leaders Tutelage, kicking off on the 22nd of Feb.

Why am I reaching out to you specifically?

As a past participant you understand the intention and the value of the program for leaders at all levels - so you're in a great position to recommend it.

Why else?

The past few years in the world of leadership development have been less than optimal with many businesses putting training and coaching on the back-burner while they worked their way through the constant and unpredictable changes to working conditions.

For some leaders, it was too much, for others they got through, but they need a renewed focus - so that's what this program will be offering in 2022.

How can you help?

Can you think of one leader who would get benefit from attending the Dynamic Leaders Tutelage?

If the answer is 'yes' I'd love you to forward this email, with a personal recommendation and the link to the next event 👇

What's in it for you?

I don't expect you to invest your time without receiving something back (my Dad always said "you don't get anything for nothing in this world" although I don't really believe that, but hey, whatever works for you!).

So, for every person you refer (and who registers) I will send you a $50 voucher or transfer it as a credit for you to attend one of my other programs this year (check them out below).

How does that sound?

Of course, if there's anything I can do to support you in your leadership journey please reach out, I'm here to help!

Enjoy your weekend and stay awesome.

Shelley 😁

Dynamic Leaders Tutelage

A program of insight, perspective, and reflection – often things you don’t get in your day-to-day. This one-month program is ideal for leaders who need strategies and tools to lead their team/s effectively.

Personal Resilience Program

Shift focus, improve your ability to bounce back from adversity and effectively deal with challenges by learning the six core components of being resilient. This three-week program is ideal for individuals looking for opportunities to grow and see things in a different light.

Career Resilience

When career resilience is high, we are better equipped to confidently change our focus to a different way of working, an unexpected opportunity, a new role or even an adjacent career path.This one-month program is ideal for individuals looking to  build confidence in their strengths and abilities; take control of their career and future direction; and learn a  different approach to succeed in their role.

Feedback Culture

Feedback is one of the most undervalued and under-utilised tools we have at our disposable. This one-month program is ideal for leaders looking to continually develop  their skills in communication, team cohesion and ability to influence others.

Leadership Coaching

Focuses on building leadership capabilities in both 'self' and 'others’. This program aims to increase confidence, build capability and reduce dependency on others while still working cohesively in a team environment. Each one on one coaching program is completely customised to suit your needs. 

My focus, when working with leaders and teams today, revolves around the need to transform over transact and build capability over dependency. The journey to effective leadership is lifelong, it's exciting and challenging and the most fulfilling adventure I believe one can embark on in their career.

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