Subject: Friend!! How approachable are you?

How others perceive you is their reality and can't be ignored - if you're not approachable you're not leading as effectively as you could be....

Hey Friend

Here's a question you might not consider every day but one that is really important for you as a leader...

What do your team see when they approach you? Are they greeted with openness and warmth or something else? Like annoyance or irritation?

How others perceive you is their reality and can't be ignored...and it matters...if you're not approachable then you're not truly serving them as a leader.

Leaders who are approachable will have greater connection, engagement and trust with their team. These are the leaders that others are inspired to follow.

If you're wanting to increase your approachability, consider these components:

Reach out if you'd like to learn more about becoming an approachable leader - the one that others are inspired to follow.

Until then, stay awesome!!

S. 😁


This interactive program is ideal if you are wanting to build confidence in your strengths and abilities; take control of your career and future direction; and, create flexibility in dealing with change. Next virtual series kicking off in partnership with Auscontact Association on the 3rd of August.

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"The single biggest way to impact an organisation is to focus on leadership development. There is almost no limit to the potential of an organisation that recruits good people, raises them up as leaders and continually develops them." ~John Maxwell


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