Subject: What's your approach to learning Friend?

What's your approach to learning?

Hey Friend

What do you think about the way you're learning today? Is the content you consume sinking in? Is it changing the way you think and work? Or is it heard, noted, and filed under..."I'll work on that when I get more time"?

I think our idea of learning has warped over the past few years and we've lost sight of what we actually need to improve as leaders. I think we're so focused on squeezing as much into our days as we possibly can that there's no time, or tolerance, to sit through the discomfort of transformational learning.

One of my favourite transformational learning concepts comes from Nicholas Petrie who refers to three primary conditions required to experience vertical leadership development. The conditions are:

  1. Heat Experiences - The leader faces a complex situation that disrupts and disorients their habitual way of thinking.

  2. Colliding Perspectives - The leader is then exposed to people with different worldviews, opinions, backgrounds, and training.

  3. Elevated Sensemaking - The leader then uses a process or a coach to help them integrate and make sense of these perspectives and experiences from more elevated stages of development.

I see the biggest challenge in today's impatient, constantly busy, no time to sit still, environment, is with point 3 above, simply put, making time to reflect.

My theory is this...

The busier we become, the less likely we are to take time out to reflect, which reduces our opportunity to learn, and means we continue to do what we've always done - until something gives. the question is, what's going to give? And can you afford it?

If you're ready to learn at a transformational (vertical) level and want some support or guidance in figuring it out, then find a time to chat here.

S. 😁

Vertical development with


the game to boost communication.

This game provides an experiential platform to improve verbal communication, expand perspectives, learn to present multiple views without bias, provide meaningful feedback and connect your team. It's also a lot of fun...and...harder than it looks! Buy the game and run it yourself or invite me to come facilitate your next workshop, team development day or leadership offsite.

Your job is not to force development on someone. Your job is to create the right conditions in which someone can grow. Challenge and support, but don’t force." ~ Susanne Cook-Greuter

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