Subject: What's the most powerful question you ask Friend?

What are you asking your staff for the purpose of building awareness, confidence and belief in one's own ability? After all...

Hey Friend,

What is the most powerful question you ask your staff for the purpose of building awareness, confidence and belief in one's own ability?

After all, this is our role as leaders isn't it? To build capability in our team so they can operate at their best?

I remember my first coach, Lisa Cutler, asking me what I wanted in my career, which I answered quickly, and then she asked "why do you want that?"

And you know what I said? 

"To prove that I can"

...and then I went home and pondered my response - why did I need to prove that I could - I knew that I what now...

In the months and years that followed I let go of the career path I had been pursuing for the best part of a decade and created something completely different.

I didn't want my career to be about proving something, I wanted my career to be about meaning something, and today it does.

And all I needed was one simple question!

What's your one powerful question?

Here's a list of questions you might find useful to provoke different thinking:

  1. What's important to you in you career?

  2. How are you showing up?

  3. When do you stop to reflect?

  4. How do you make things happen?

  5. What's worked for you in the past?

  6. What are you focusing on?

  7. What is it that’s preventing you from making the progress you want right now? 

  8. What are you avoiding?

  9. What would you do differently?

  10. Whats getting in the way?

  11. How is that serving you in this situation?

  12. What choices are available to you?

  13. What's the first step you could take? 

  14. What won't happen if you don't do it?

  15. If you were your leader, what would you say to you right now?

Want to learn more about human centred leadership and using a coaching technique? Reach out for a conversation.

Until then, stay awesome!

Shelley 😁

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“A wise man can learn more from a foolish question than a fool can learn from a wise answer.” ~ Bruce Lee

Shelley Flett | Shelley Flett Pty Ltd

Leadership & Team Performance Coach | Speaker | Trainer | Facilitator | Mentor


P: 0407 522 888



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