Subject: What opportunities are right in front of you?

Dynamic leaders leverage what they already have, rather than constantly pursuing what they don’t. The do different, not more!

Hey Friend

This weeks dynamic leadership topic is around leverage.

To leverage something is to make the most of it, to amplify it, to multi-purpose it, to exploit it (in a good way). It's a great way to work smart and become more efficient and effective.

But here's the thing, you need to be intentional about leveraging what you have, or it won't happen.

Too often we waste opportunities that are right in front of us because we don't stop long enough to see them. We're too busy running ahead to what's next...instead of pausing for a moment to reflect on what's already there and what potential it holds.

I love this article from the Centre for Creative Leadership on effectively leveraging networks. They share how intentions shift with networking depending on what level of leadership you're at:

  • First-time managers are learning to manage former peers and to build work relationships for the first time. Their network goal is to transition relationships.

  • High-potential leaders are making a name for themselves and their work. Their network goal is to strengthen relationships.

  • Managers of managers — those leading departments and divisions — are focused on executing strategy and managing resources. Their network goal is to create strategicrelationships.

  • Executives need to create strategy and manage public perception. Their network goal is to reverse insularity and isolation.

So, what are you doing to leverage what you have? To act with purpose and intention and make the most of what already exists!

Want to chat more about this? Get in touch.

Until then, stay awesome!

Shelley 😁


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"The hours that ordinary people waste, extraordinary people leverage". ~ Robin Sharma


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