Subject: What happens when you turn a statement into a question?

70% of a team's engagement is influenced by their manager. And there's an expectation that they will coach rather than conduct.

Your teams engagement is influenced by you...and not so much by what you SAY as by what you ASK!


Hey Friend,

Thinking back to the most recent one-on-one conversation you've had with a staff member, what percentage of time did you spend listening over talking?

If you answered 80% or more, you're amazing! 🤗

Ok, what about this question...

Of the time you spent talking, were you asking questions or were you making statements? (i.e. giving advice, offering opinion, telling a story or instructing what to do)

If you answered 80% or more, you're even more amazing! Can I interview you for my Dynamic Leader Podcast? 🤩

But, perhaps you're the leader that talks more than you listen or tells more than you ask and maybe you've never really considered the downside of doing all that.

So here's the thing...

If you're looking to build (or maintain) a dynamic, cohesive and engaged culture, then you're going to need to coach more than you conduct.

In a recent Gallup poll, they found that 70% of a team's engagement is influenced by managers - i.e. 'you'!

They also found that the expectation is for the manager to be more of a coach than a boss.  

And the first thing to know about coaching is that the conversation is made up of asking questions and listening - then asking more questions and listening more.

It's about expanding perspective and choice and allowing your staff to come up with the answers and required path forward, rather than simply telling them what to do.

So...start with a single question...then ask another...and another...and see what happens!

Stay awesome!

Shelley :-)


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