Subject: Want to be a more confident leader this year?

Through coaching, facilitation, training and mentoring let me show you that confidence is accessible and available whenever you need it!

Increase your confidence...

Hey Friend

What's your focus for 2022?

For the past six years I've started each year, not with a resolution, but with a word. A word that represents my intention for the year ahead and something to keep me focused and on track.

In 2021 my word was CURIOSITY and, despite the obstacles presented with lockdown and 'life' stuff, I managed to tap into this space most of the time…in work and in life...and it was super enlightening!!

This year my word is CONFIDENCE! Not only in myself but for others. My intention is to help the people I work with and surround myself with to find it within themselves.

"Confidence… thrives on honesty, on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection and on unselfish performance. Without them it cannot live."

~ Franklin D. Roosevelt

Through coaching, facilitation, training, mentoring and even through writing I want to show you that confidence is accessible and available whenever you need it.

How would you rate your confidence in leadership for the year ahead?

***** OFFER *****

I'm offering 22 people a complimentary one on one development session with me to help identify areas to build confidence, save time and become more effective in the way they lead. Want to secure yourself a place? Register here.

If you're all sorted in the confidence department and want to share your approach please reach out for a chat!

Until then, stay awesome!

Shelley 😁

Dynamic Leaders Tutelage

A program of insight, perspective, and reflection – often things you don’t get in your day-to-day. This one-month program is ideal for leaders who need strategies and tools to lead their team/s effectively.

Personal Resilience Program

Shift focus, improve your ability to bounce back from adversity and effectively deal with challenges by learning the six core components of being resilient. This three-week program is ideal for individuals looking for opportunities to grow and see things in a different light.

Career Resilience

When career resilience is high, we are better equipped to confidently change our focus to a different way of working, an unexpected opportunity, a new role or even an adjacent career path.This one-month program is ideal for individuals looking to  build confidence in their strengths and abilities; take control of their career and future direction; and learn a  different approach to succeed in their role.

Move from transactional to transformational in 2022...

do different, not more!

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