Subject: Upcoming programs to build capability

71% of CEO's are focused on the need to reskill the workforce to grow and adapt. How your people constantly learning new skills?

Hi Friend,

The focus on learning new skills is increasing with the *Top Ten for 2025 being...

  1. Analytical thinking and innovation

  2. Active learning and learning strategies

  3. Complex problem-solving

  4. Critical thinking and analysis

  5. Creativity, originality and initiative

  6. Leadership and social influence

  7. Technology use, monitoring and control

  8. Technology design and programming

  9. Resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility

  10. Reasoning, problem-solving and ideation

What development activities are you investing in to build your own capability and that of your team?

Check out my upcoming programs below for development opportunities.


*Source: Future of Jobs Survey 2020, World Economic Forum

10th November, 2021

Four-week program


The perfect program for leaders to learn how to organise their focus and priorities, reduce dependency and build capability. Delivered through four 3-hour sessions via Zoom.

14th October, 2021

Three-week program


With employee burnout rates reaching a two-year high in August 2021, this program offers tools and strategies to build resilience. Delivered through six 90-minute sessions via Zoom.

October, 2021

Six-month program


The most effective way to increase awareness, improve how you lead and increase your ability influence others. Tailored to suit the needs of the individual and delivered through six 60-minute virtual sessions via Zoom over a 6-month period with support in between.

9th November

Four-week program


Feedback is one of the most undervalued and under-utilised tools we have at our disposable. This program will teach you how to seek, receive and give feedback in a way that strengthens relationships and increases cohesion. Delivered through four 3-hour virtual sessions via Zoom.

Developing new skills...

is a continuous activity that needs to be given priority, time and focus. If you wait for the right time, it will never come!

Make the time.

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