Subject: Upcoming Talent Development Program

With a global shortage of talent organisations are needing to grow talent from within...that's what this program aims to seed!

Growing talent from within

Hey Friend

As the impact of a global shortage of talent intensifies it's time for leaders to invest in growing talent from within.

I'm running a workshop towards the end of April that is focusing on equipping high potential individuals with the tools and strategies to drive their own development journey and position themselves as the talent organisations can't afford to lose.

This opportunity is not only valuable for dynamic leaders like you but also for the talent you have emerging in your team.

Over four weekly 90-minute sessions you will learn to build confidence in your strengths and abilities; take control of your career and future direction; and learn a different approach to succeeding in your role.

Topics covered include: 

  • Self-initiation: differentiating what's within your direct control, what can be influenced and how you can own your direction, your brand and your outcomes.

  • Awareness: noticing what's going on outside of your immediate sphere of expertise and what can be learnt from being curious about trends and patterns across different organisations, industries, geographies, etc.

  • Adaptability: appreciating the benefits of constantly learning and growing your skills and experience at both a technical and interpersonal level.

  • Attitude: understanding the importance of mindset, communication, relationships and succeeding individually as well as part of the collective.

I want you, or someone in your team, to leave the program with confidence that you can continually adjust your thinking and not only remain relevant, but thrive, in your workplace and the industry more broadly.

If you're interested in having a conversation about the other work I do with leaders and teams feel free to reach out for a chat.

Until then, stay awesome!

S. 😁

“With ordinary talent and extraordinary perseverance, all things are attainable.” ~ Thomas Foxwell Burton

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