Subject: Time to stop doubting yourself?

Do you ever get tired of doubting yourself and letting the idea of what others think of you cloud your judgement and decision making abilities?

Stop doubting yourself

Hey Friend,

Today's topic is self-doubt!

Self-doubt can be incredibly frustrating; it has a way of showing up unannounced at the most inconvenient moments, catching you completely off guard. Whether it lasts for just a fleeting moment or spans over hours or even days, the longer it lingers, the more intense it becomes.

As a leader, experiencing self-doubt can significantly disrupt how you approach work and your relationships. Given the limited time you have, it can render you ineffective for the duration of its grip.

So, what can you do about self-doubt?

The first step is recognising that behind every annoying emotion lies a positive intention. In the case of self-doubt, the intention is to preserve the body and mind; it exists to keep us safe. Unfortunately, our unconscious mind's idea of keeping us safe doesn't always align with the fast-paced, ever-changing, and ambiguous environments most of us live and work in.

When I notice doubt surfacing, the initial question to ask is, "How is this doubt trying to keep me safe right now?"

For example, when I doubt my ability to adequately support my clients, I know my unconscious mind is trying to shield me from failure, embarrassment, or humiliation.

Once I've uncovered the positive intention, it's essential to ask, "What evidence do I have to support that this is likely to happen?"

For example, where and how often have I failed to meet the needs of my clients? What was the impact, and what did I learn from those situations?

Every time, the answer is, that it rarely happens, and when it does, I learn something really valuable. I make corrections or adjustments, where required, and deliver an even better experience the next time. The feelings of embarrassment, humiliation, and failure are real, but they pass, and on the other side of that is something I would never have discovered if self-doubt had prevailed.

If self-doubt persists beyond these questions, it's worth having a conversation with a qualified coach. They can ask specific questions to help you uncover what's happening at an unconscious level, bringing to the surface what you know but aren't consciously aware of.

I've experienced a lot of self-doubt over the past six months, even after nine successful years of running my business. It still happens. I am incredibly grateful to my coach, Bianca Aoina, who has kept me connected to my internal belief, my inner knowing that I am good at what I do, that the work I do makes a difference and ripples out through the community, that I am making a difference in the world.

Remember, self-doubt is there keep you safe - you want to continue to experience it, you just want it to pass quickly.

So when it pops up, notice it, address it, and seek support if it persists. Releasing the doubt will lead to a new level of freedom, power, and opportunity.

If you’d like to learn about my six-month Transformational Leadership Coaching program, take a look here.

Stay awesome!


Shelley Flett

Leadership Trainer, Facilitator & Coach | Shelley Flett Pty Ltd 

M: 0407 522 888 | E: | W:

Dynamic Leaders Tutelage - Begins 7th March 2024

Grab yourself a copy of the Feedback book to learn how to seek and give feedback effectively!

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