Subject: The juggle is real for leaders of hybrid teams!

The juggle is real!

Hey Friend

I remember when I was about 10 years old I received three juggling balls for Christmas from my aunt. I recall throwing them around for a few hours, unsuccessfully, before putting them on a shelf where they stayed for a few years before being passed on to my younger siblings...I wasn't a juggler I decided!

So here I stand, three decades later, learning to juggle, alongside leaders from across the globe, knowing that putting the balls on a shelf this time just isn't an option.

What leaders are responsible for today is like nothing we've ever experienced and it isn't just confined to workplace topics (e.g. are your people getting enough sleep, are they looking after their health and wellbeing, etc.)'s inclusive of life in general!

One of the things I work with leaders on, to help juggle better, is being intentional and being purposeful throughout their working day (even in the small moments that you don't think would matter).

In particular I encourage them to focus on intention around four key areas:

  1. Culture - through communication and what's being said as well as what's being heard.

  2. Behaviour - through the alignment to organisational expectations and, in particular, to values.

  3. Change - through creating strong connection and psychological safety across teams and expanding perspectives.

  4. Performance - through setting and monitoring outputs according to objectives or goals (however that looks for the individual/team/business).

If you're wanting to learn how to lead more effectively then reach out for a conversation.

Until then, stay awesome!

Shelley 😁

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