Subject: Shelley's top three time management tips ☑️

Did you know, the average person spends over 2 1/2 hours each day reading, sorting and responding to emails. And we wonder why there's no time...

Are you being intentional with your time?


Hey Friend,

A couple of weeks ago I launched a 'where are you on your leadership' journey quiz and what the results indicate is that leaders are struggling with time management and prioritisation.

So, this email is to give you my three top tips for effectively managing your time. Maybe, if you've got time management nailed, shoot me an email and let me know your approach.

Otherwise, read on...

TIP #1 - Reduce distractions

Turn off your notifications, pop-ups and even that tiny little envelope that sits in the bottom corner of your screen. Aim to only check and respond to emails once every 1-2 hours if possible. You'll be amazed at what you can accomplished when you're not constantly interrupted.

TIP #2 - Be intentional

Make sure you're really clear on 'why' you're doing something. This includes attending meetings, running reports, catching up with a colleague for a coffee and even going for a walk at lunchtime. Keeping your intention front of mind will minimise distractions and ensure you get full value from the activity.

TIP #3 - Manage your energy

If you're tired, stressed, burnt out or overwhelmed you're going to be less effective with your time. Learn what activities give you energy and make time to do them regularly. Note there's a difference between activities you enjoy (e.g. drinking a glass or red wine while cooking dinner which will impact your mental clarity the following day) versus activities that are good for you (e.g. drinking a herbal tea while watching the sunset).

There are endless ways to manage your time and not all things work for all people. So if you are looking for more ideas please get in touch for a conversation that is specific to you.

Until then, stay awesome!

Shelley 😁 

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"It's not that we have little time, but more that we waste a good deal of it."

~ Seneca

Shelley Flett | Shelley Flett Pty Ltd

Leadership & Team Performance Coach | Speaker | Trainer | Facilitator | Mentor


P: 0407 522 888



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