Subject: Self-belief trumps self-doubt

You're an accomplished leader with an amazing track record of doing what it takes to succeed. No matter the obstacle, you're excellent at...

Self-belief trumps self-doubt

Hey Friend,

You're an accomplished leader with an amazing track record of doing what it takes to succeed.

No matter the obstacle, you're excellent at finding the way to get the job done with flair.

Now you want that same creative leadership for yourself…only there’s something getting in your way. Is it too much self-doubt or not enough self-belief?

This month I’ve focused on tackling the paralysing effects of self-doubt. Recognising when it sneaks in, understanding how long it lingers, and why it chooses this particular moment are crucial steps in dealing with it. But where do you go from here?

Getting better at nipping self-doubt in the bud starts with early intervention. In the beginning, you might only catch it in hindsight. With time, though, you'll catch it while it's happening and eventually right when it rears its head. This is what I’d call building your emotional intelligence.

When self-doubt shows up, take a moment to figure out its purpose. Ask yourself if there's any value in hanging onto it. And then, let it go…and replace it with the opposite…


Strong self-belief is like gold for dynamic leadership. It's that inner certainty that you can have a successful career and a fulfilling life without sacrificing one for the other. It’s the conviction that you can have what you want and you deserve it!

So, start becoming aware of what you believe about yourself. There might be some work to do, but as you strengthen your self-belief, you'll notice self-doubt losing its intensity, maybe even disappearing altogether.

When you think of self-doubt and self-belief as opposite ends of a spectrum, ask yourself:

  • Where is your needle pointing right now? 

  • What shifts it one way or the other? 

  • What can I do to control the shift?

Being able to adjust the needle in the moment based on the context—that's the essence of dynamic leadership.

Explore the delicate balance of self-doubt and self-belief – they can coexist, but it's about adjusting their intensity for your own empowerment. Let them be the guiding lights that move you forward, leading to the life that’s patiently waiting on the other side of doubt.

The journey is always more rewarding when shared, and I'm here to be that support. If you're looking to shift your needle and open up possibilities, please reach out for a conversation.

Let's move the needle and deliver you what you want!

Shelley 😁

Shelley Flett

Leadership Trainer, Facilitator & Coach | Shelley Flett Pty Ltd 

M: 0407 522 888 | E: | W:

Dynamic Leaders Tutelage - Begins 7th March 2024

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