Subject: Resilience Program - Day #6 - People

Invest | Inspire | Influence

A small practice of resilience can have a large impact when adversity strikes!

Hey Friend

Today is Friday, your day has begun and you're noticing how you're feeling and what the day ahead may hold. What are the things you'll do and who are the people you'll engage with that will keep your cup topped up?

How will you end your day and the week feeling more resilient than when you started? Remember that resilience is built through the accumulation of all the little things that you experience and create for yourself...and through creating an intentional practice.

Yesterday's final topic was on PEOPLE. We spoke about the importance of surrounding ourselves with the right people to support us with whatever we're experiencing at this point in our journey. We also spoke about the value of 'paying it forward' and how giving, with no expectation of receiving back, one of the best ways to express gratitude and build our resilience. 

I love the perspective that is offered in this line from the movie Pay It Forward...

“Some people are too scared, or something. I guess it's hard for people who are so used to things the way they are, even if they're bad, to change. 'Cause they kind of give up. And when they do, everybody kind of loses.” Haley Joel Osment (Trevor McKinney - Pay It Forward)

Thank you so much for being part of the program, your contribution and input along the way has been wonderful and I'm so grateful to have spent the past few weeks with you!

I look forward to keeping in touch and working with you again in the future.

Please shout out if you need support with anything - I'd love to be part of your circle - whichever one that is!!


Shelley 😁

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