Subject: Personal Resilience important for everyone right now, even you Friend!

The six-session virtual series kick's off on the 3rd of June and will give some great tools to help you bounce back from moments of adversity.

Learn to thrive through adversity with this six-session immersive virtual resilience program.

Shift focus, improve your ability to bounce back from adversity and effectively deal with challenges by learning the five core components of being resilient.


Dealing with a lot of change or uncertainty in your life or job right now?

The Personal Resilience Program is designed to give you some quick, effective, long-term strategies to manage difficult situations, overcome adversity and allow you the ability to cope with any challenges you face in your job or your life in general.

Now's the time to adapt or fail!

It seems the new way of living and working is here to stay. Snap lock downs, hybrid working models, restricted travel. Recovering from adversity and continuing to thrive is the challenge we've been given for 2021 and this program will get you focused on doing just that.

The mechanics of the program

Delivered virtually (using Zoom) for 90-minutes, twice a week for three weeks. Receive a physical work pack in the post with some nice little goodies to get you motivated.

Get access to recorded sessions, if you can't make the live ones.

Shelley Flett has been running this program for the past two years with great success. Participants walk away with really practical tools and ideas to shift their focus and take control of their present and their future. To date, over 200 people have successfully gone through the program.

Join her for the next series kicking off on

Thursday 3rd of June.


Find out more about the programs I run and the work I do. Visit

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