Subject: Personal Resilience Series - Day #2 - Preparedness

Invest | Inspire | Influence



Hey Friend

I'm not sure if you've noticed but I am loving hanging out with you throughout this program. Hopefully you left the 2nd session yesterday with your cup topped up - I know I did!

Thanks again for holding a safe space and letting everyone share and reflect.

The topic we covered was PREPAREDNESS which looks to create balance across all areas of our lives. It is a reminder to do more of the things that give you energy and less of the things that take energy away. Ideally, you want to end your day with a surplus, not a deficit.’s Wednesday, the birds are chirping, the ants have zero care for what others think of them, and you’re wondering about all the little things you'll be doing to keep your cup full on this fine day...maybe you'll go for a walk, take a bath, sing a song, bake a cake...or maybe you'll do absolutely nothing!  

Either way you'll be wondering...and it's a good thing to wonder!

Along with the above reflections I want to share three more things with you...

  1. The Good News Network - It's a real cup filler and very refreshing to see news completely focused on the good stuff!

  2. The Resilience Wheel can be accessed by clicking this link. Feel free to share it with your team or family or anyone else you think might benefit.

  3. The Dynamic Leader PodcastLast year I released episode #14 of my podcast where I interviewed Barry Edgar on the topic of TIME. He shares some fabulous insights about how to get the most out of your time and I think it aligns really well with this topic. So take a listen if you get a chance.

Have a cup-filling Wednesday. See you all tomorrow!!


Shelley 😁

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” ~ Seneca

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