Subject: Navigating Leadership Paradoxes for Better Results

We need to consider how we work with paradoxes and use them to guide our awareness and how we lead.

Navigate the paradox...

Get better results!

Hey Friend,

How good does it feel when you end your day feeling accomplished! That dopamine hit that makes you want to go back and do it all again tomorrow.

Notice the 'accomplished' feeling is harder to come by these days though?

It's because doing 'more' and 'faster' doesn't necessarily translate to greater accomplishments. Today, you need to do different, be dynamic, lean into the paradox that is leadership...

Up until a few years ago we were continually searching for easy ways to be better. But, we’ve sped up as much as we can humanly sustain, we’ve offshored, outsourced, and optimised our processes. We're exploring AI and new technology solutions, of course, but these are harder to implement and take longer.

So, we need to consider how we work with paradoxes (things that seem to be in opposition but actually work well together) and use them to guide our awareness and how we lead. It's about knowing where to pay attention, how to expand our awareness, and when to adapt to get the best out of a situation.

For example, we need to balance working at a macro level while also diving into micro details when necessary. This means understanding the big picture but being ready to focus on specifics when the situation demands it.

Embracing paradoxes in leadership is not just about adopting new technologies or speeding up processes. It’s about understanding and managing the inherent contradictions in our roles. By doing this, we can navigate complexities more effectively and lead our teams to better results.

My last article on the topic of paradoxes has generated a lot of interest and so I'm running a masterclass to open up a discussion about what it means for you as a leader. Register here.

Until then, stay awesome!

Shelley 😁

Shelley Flett

Leadership Trainer, Facilitator & Coach | Shelley Flett Pty Ltd 

M: 0407 522 888 | E: | W:

Join me for a complimentary 60-minute masterclass on navigating the leadership paradox on the 5th of July. This session will dive deep into the complexities and contradictions of modern leadership, providing you with practical strategies to enhance your effectiveness and lead your team to success. Don’t miss this opportunity to expand your awareness and adapt to the evolving leadership landscape.

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