Subject: Leadership Resilience

I recently ran a workshop with a group of leaders on effectively dealing with setbacks and adversity

Leadership Resilience

Hey Friend,

Building leadership resilience is the topic I spoke about at a recent conference. It's a subject I could spend days talking about but...this is what I shared in the 30 minutes I had...

Increasing resilience starts with noticing what happens when you can form assumptions and instead of passing judgement (i.e. putting yourself above or below someone else) you move into curiosity (you open yourself up to listen, learn, understand and connect).

When you lead with curiosity it helps to have a strong internal resource (an inner knowing of your own value, worth, uniqueness, what you have to offer the world and what's important to you). This internal resource helps to reduce imposter syndrome, comparison mode and unhealthy competition and instead amplifies strength, kindness and confidence.

When you have a strong internal resource and you're operating from a space of curiosity - you're more likely to say what you're thinking, even if it's a little messy to begin with. Communicating what you're thinking (with kindness and strength) allows you to have have more valuable conversations and develop deeper relationships. It is where your assumptions are confirmed or denied (and this reduces saves a whole lot of energy that comes with overthinking things).

This extra energy can then be channeled into doing more of the things that light you up and bring you joy...and as a byproduct, your resilience increases!

I have helped so many leaders develop this resilience over the past few years - it's such a fulfilling experience!

Want to learn more? Find a time to have a conversation with me!

Stay awesome!

Shelley 😁

Shelley Flett

Leadership Trainer, Facilitator & Coach | Shelley Flett Pty Ltd 

M: 0407 522 888 | E: | W:

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