Subject: Lead with LOVE not with FEAR

I talk a lot about this concept of leading from a space of love over fear and it resonates with different people on different levels...

Lead from a space of LOVE not FEAR!

Hey Friend,

When I talk about leading from a space of love it doesn't mean you have to declare your love for the people you work with...that would be kind of awkward in the workplace!

What I'm referring to is how you approach the people you work with. If it comes from a space of love (i.e. love for human beings, including yourself) then you're more likely to have compassion, kindness and forgiveness which will allow you both to be more effective in the work you do.

Perhaps to explain I can share a little reflection around the difference when I lead with love over fear...

When I lead with fear I am  on ‘high alert’ and ready to fight, defend, prove wrong, criticise and judge. I carry constant stress and tension in my body, become easily paranoid and struggle to trust those I work with. I stay far away from emotions and vulnerability - it is in my head where I feel most safe...but oh so tired!

When I lead with love I hold people accountable for their behaviour,  but avoid criticising who they are as human beings. I communicate openly about my limitations and failures and take responsibility for what’s within my control. I share my expectations and uphold my boundaries with strength and kindness and I create the space for others to do the same.

When I lead with 'love', I am open, curious and accepting. I am filled with energy and optimism and my self-talk reminds me that ‘everyone is doing the best they can with the resources they have’.  

Overall, life is better when I operate from a space of love - it gives me more energy to experience fun, joy and adventure. I am free to live my best life!

Want to learn to lead with LOVE? Find a time to have a conversation with me!

Stay strong, be kind.

Shelley 😁

Shelley Flett

Leadership Trainer, Facilitator & Coach | Shelley Flett Pty Ltd 

M: 0407 522 888 | E: | W:

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