Subject: Lead holistically, lead dynamically!

Leadership is more complex than ever with expectations increasing around outputs, growth and wellbeing...Are you keeping up?

Hey Friend,

If the last 18 months has taught us anything it’s that life is uncertain and things can change quickly and without warning. 

One day we’re roaming free and the next we’re in isolation.

One day we’re working onsite with colleagues and the next we’re sharing a home office with our partner, cat, dog, or housemate. 

One day we’re sending out kids to school and the next we’re homeschooling...or perhaps just sitting them in front of a screen and hoping for the best.

The only certainty is that the sun will rise (somewhere in the world, not necessarily Melbourne), but what the day will bring is anyone's guess.

As a leader, your role is not to have certainty about what is going to happen but more to anticipate that anything could. It is to set your team up to adapt quickly and respond as effectively as possible...without it impacting their personal life or their professional growth.

It's a delicate balance and one that requires awareness and foresight. It requires a holistic leadership approach and one that allows you to operate dynamically in all contexts.

Want to learn more? Check out the below opportunities!

In the meantime, stay awesome!

S. 😁

Become dynamic 👇


This series is ideal for new or emerging leaders who need strategies and tools to lead their team/s effectively. With an effective structure and a shift in focus it is possible to build a sustainable environment to operate dynamically. Register


Feedback is one of the most undervalued and under-utilised tools we have at our disposable. This three week series will teach you how to seek, receive and give feedback in a way that strengthens relationships and increases cohesion. Delivered through four 3-hour virtual sessions via Zoom. Register

Coaching with Shelley is conducted in line with ICF Core Competencies and focuses on closing the gap between where you currently are and where you'd like to be. It is not for the faint hearted - only those ready to make real change. Learn more

Staying the same is no longer an option! You must appreciate that business is constantly evolving... and anticipate how your role might need to change in the future to remain relevant in the world of leadership.Find out where you're at on your leadership journey.  Register

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