Subject: Is your opinion preventing you from leading effectively?

How easy is it for you to keep your opinion to yourself?

Hey Friend

How often do you give your opinion to your people throughout your workday?

No doubt your expertise is called on regularly to make decisions and solve you ever find yourself giving your opinion where it's not needed? I know I do (it's an ego thing). 😬

Sharing your opinion can unintentionally shut down the opinions of others (particularly if it's different from your own) and promote groupthink which leads to complacency and mediocre performance.

Even when you don't openly share your opinion, it may come through in how you deliver a message that you may not agree with. I remember, in my early years of leading a team, my manager delivering a message about an upcoming change - the way he spoke seemed forced and even slightly apathetic and I got the sense that he didn't agree with it - but was required to conform. When I delivered the message to my team, I felt a similar feeling of apathy and, as a result, my team didn't connect to the message either. In fact they resisted the change which then took four times the amount of time, and more energy than we had to spare, to implement it. It was ridiculously ineffective and totally avoidable - had me and my manager been able to assume a neutral position the outcome would have been very different!

On reflection of this, I realised an important skill for a leader to develop is the ability to communicate with consideration of multiple sides - where opinions are reserved and different perspectives appreciated. This is one of the reasons my colleague and I created the card game 2 Sides in 2 Minutes. It's a game that requires individuals to present two sides of a statement (for and against) with consistency in their delivery and variety in their thinking.

If you're looking for ways to develop this skill I'd love to have you join us for the official launch event in Melbourne on the 29th of July and experience the game first hand.

Until then, stay awesome!

S. 😁


My colleague, Renée Giarrusso, and I have created a game to provide an interactive and fun way to boost communication and, at the same time, provide a dynamic platform to build adaptability and appreciation for 2 sides of a discussion, topic, or idea. We believe that being an effective and highly adaptable communicator is vital within the workplace, for both leaders and teams. When we communicate openly, understand and appreciate the difference of perspectives, we can create a collaborative and high­ performance culture.



Commences 28th July 2022 @ 10:00am

This program is focused on equipping high potential individuals and leaders with the tools and strategies to drive their own development journey and position themselves as talent in their organisation well into the future. 


Commences 3rd August 2022 @ 12:00pm

This program is ideal for leaders looking to develop the skills required to foster a healthy culture of feedback, openness, trust and connection across their team. When feedback is actively sought and offered, as part of an everyday team culture, then self-awareness across the group increases and the team becomes more effective.  


Commences 3rd August 2022 @ 12:00pm

This series is ideal if you are a new or emerging leader who needs strategies and tools to lead your team/s effectively. With an effective structure and a shift in focus it is possible for you to build a sustainable environment where you are invested, and your teams are operating dynamically. Gain the confidence to know when to intervene, where to inspire and, who to influence.  

Your opinion rarely matters...if people want it, they'll ask!

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