Subject: Is your life a complete should show?

Should, could, would, need to, have to...are all words that suck the energy from your day!

Is your life a complete 'should show'?

Hey Friend,

How often, throughout your day, do you use the word ‘should’? 

I really should break to eat lunch each day.

I should be making healthier eating choices.

I should make more time to develop my people.

I should give that feedback for my colleague.

I should exercise more.

I should close my emails down when I’m in virtual meetings.

I should decline meeting invites when I don’t see value in attending.

Have you ever considered the impact of all those ‘shoulds’ floating around your mind?

Imagine every ‘should’ is like that app on your phone that chews up your battery throughout the day. Only you're not a phone that can just plug in to recharge, instead, you work on low power mode and compromise performance. 

'Should' is really simple to eliminate from your life. Just stop saying the word (or similar words like "would", "could", “have to” or “need to”). Ok, so maybe it's not as simple as that straight away. But if you become aware of just how often you say it you'll be able to adjust your language in the moment.

If you have shoulds in your life already, take a moment to make a decision and either COMMIT or DELETE.

If you COMMIT, make sure you fully commit, "I will", "I want to" - put it in your calendar, make a plan, seek support from someone to help you with it.

If you DELETE, be ok with saying “no thanks”, “that’s not a priority for me right now” or “I’m not going to do that, I don’t want to”.

Trust that saying ‘no’ for now doesn’t mean it’s a ‘no’ forever. If it pops up in the future it might be a commitment you’re then ready to make. 

You don’t need to put pressure on yourself, to carry all the shoulds, all at once. 

Want more strategies to get energy back in your day? Find a time to have a conversation with me!

Don't do different!

Shelley 😁

Shelley Flett

Leadership Trainer, Facilitator & Coach | Shelley Flett Pty Ltd 

M: 0407 522 888 | E: | W:

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