Subject: How well do you improvise as a leader?

With all the ambiguity and uncertainty we experience in the workplace there's only so much planning we can do. The rest comes down to improvisation...

Hey Friend,

I recently interviewed the amazing Patti Stiles on the topic of improvisation, something she's an expert in, having worked in improv theatre since the 80's.

Through the conversation she shares loads of benefits that come from learning the skill of improvisation to improve leadership effectiveness. The biggest one for me was the appreciation improvisation gives to the limitless amount of ways we can respond to whatever is presented to us.

Given the ambiguous and uncertain environment we now call 'normal' we need to have the ability to respond to every situation...without losing pace.

This is a fabulously thought-provoking conversation that will get you considering how to adjust your approach to shift the outcome.

Take a listen to the podcast here:

Reach out if you'd like to explore other ways to deal with ambiguity in your role.

Stay awesome!

S. 😁

Leadership development opportunities 👇


Feedback is one of the most undervalued and under-utilised tools we have at our disposable. This three week series will teach you how to seek, receive and give feedback in a way that strengthens relationships and increases cohesion. Delivered through four 3-hour virtual sessions via Zoom. Register


This series is ideal for new or emerging leaders who need strategies and tools to lead their team/s effectively. With an effective structure and a shift in focus it is possible to build a sustainable environment to operate dynamically. Register

Coaching with Shelley is conducted in line with ICF Core Competencies and focuses on closing the gap between where you currently are and where you'd like to be. It is not for the faint hearted - only those ready to make real change. Learn more

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