Subject: How sustainable are your leadership practices?

Overwhelmed? Out of control? Reactive to your environment? Chances are you need to build more sustainable practices in how you lead.

Hey Friend

Are your leadership practices sustainable?

While sustainability is often associated with climate change, and reducing our carbon foot print, it is also a term used to describe how we operate in a consistent way over a prolonged period of time without a detrimental impact.

For leaders, finding a sustainable way to approach your role can be the difference between failing and thriving in your career.

If you're prone to burn-out, constantly reacting to situations, sacraficing health and fitness habits, etc, then it's time to change how you lead.

Leading sustainably starts with:

  • Effectively prioritising what you're focusing on and where you're investing your time.

  • Empowering your people to make their own decisions without you.

  • Starting to build the capabilities across your team - by asking more and telling less.

The best investment you'll this year will be towards your own leadership development. To find a way to do different, not more and maintain your approach over a long period of time.

This is what will create a lasting cultural shift and sustained performance for you and your team.

If you're interested in hearing about specific adjustments you can make for yourself please reach out for a chat.

Until then, stay awesome!

Shelley 😁


The ability to invest in trusting relationships, inspire respect through healthy conversation and influence results by empowering others, is the future of leadership and no longer a nice-to-have but a must-have skill. Learn how to become a Dynamic Leader by joining the next virtual series kicking off 23rd of June.

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This interactive program is ideal if you are wanting to build confidence in your strengths and abilities; take control of your career and future direction; and, create flexibility in dealing with change. Next virtual series kicking off in partnership with Auscontact Association on the 3rd of August.

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Maintaining the trust and respect of your team is dependent on your ability to genuinely connect and lead them in a way that is dynamic, proactive and sustainable!

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