Subject: How secure are you in your career Friend?

Learn how to remain relevant and therefore employed throughout your career and be the top talent the organisations want to hold onto.

Hey Friend,

How secure are you in your career? 

If you lost your job tomorrow, how quickly and easily could you pick up another role? 

This week I’m talking about career resilience and the ability to remain relevant and therefore employed throughout your career.

In some research that I did with Dr. Hamid Pousti last year we found four key areas that if you maintain focus around through your career will keep you employed and fulfilled. The areas are:

🚘Self initiation: which is centred around recognising your drive and motivation to take control of your future and influence the outcome that is right for you.  

🐸Adaptability - which means continually evolving and adapting to your surrounding environment. For most of us, what this looks like is first appreciating that businesses constantly evolve and second, anticipating how a specific role might need to change in the future and positioning yourself for that change. 

🦉Awareness - which is about becoming aware of what’s going on within you and around you - other people, the environment, the industry and even the economy. It is with increased awareness that you can better predict what is to come and be ready to respond/react when things change in your business and in your environment. 

👍Attitude - which involves having an unwavering belief in yourself and what you’re capable of. Your attitude will be the thing that attracts others through the energy you give off. It connects you with other people and allows you to play as an individual contributor and also a team player. 

When you are adaptable in your approach, aware of what’s going on around you and have a positive attitude focused on what’s possible, then you become more transferrable, reputable and promotable. You will become the talent organisations will want to keep!

If you’re interested in learning more you might like to download the white paper.

OR... you could arrange a conversation with me directly.

I work with individuals along with teams to become more empowered in their role, more proactive in their approach and more positive in their attitude. It’s a win win for everyone!

Until next time, stay awesome!

Shelley 😁

Personal Resilience Program

Want to learn some really quick, easy and effective strategies to build resilience now and into the future and have a little fun at the same time? This six-session series will do just that.


Dynamic Leaders Tutelage

If you're looking for ways to effectively manage your time, better connect with your people and build their capabilities for long term success then this is the program for you!


"Building career resilience is a way to not only achieve security, but to also help keep us in a growth zone and challenge us to continually adjust our thinking so we can remain relevant in our industry and the workplace more broadly." ~ Shelley Flett

Shelley Flett | Shelley Flett Pty Ltd

Leadership & Team Performance Coach | Speaker | Trainer | Facilitator | Mentor


P: 0407 522 888


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