Subject: How confident do you feel about creating/upholding boundaries?

Boundaries are the guides we put in place to ensure we maintain a healthy blend in work and in life.

What boundaries have you put in place to maintain a healthy work/life blend?

Hey Friend,

How do you go with setting and enforcing boundaries?

So often I hear of leaders making personal sacrifices for the purpose of fulfilling a work task. And while this is SOMETIMES required, it should not be a regular practice.

If you're someone who is always available, willing to work long hours and never say 'no' to requests then this will become what others expect. They won't consider what you're missing in order to deliver what they need. And those sacrifices, over time, can have big consequences in our life.

🏃‍♀️ Perhaps you miss out on exercise or resort to eating food that is quick and easy over what is nutritionally beneficial.

👨‍👩‍👦 Maybe you miss out on putting your kids to bed or helping them with their homework or general life issues.

🍷Maybe you miss seeing your friends and your circle reduces to the people you work with.

🤦‍♀️ Or maybe you miss the opportunity to build the capability of your team because you're so busy fulfilling the requests of others.

You can never get back the time you miss doing things that are important to you. And while I'm a huge supporter of saying 'yes' to opportunities, it has to be the exception and not the rule.

If you're starting to question whether the sacrifices are worth it, consider putting in place a few small (and flexible when required) boundaries to start to take back some control in your life. You might simply decide to:

  • Stop work by 6pm most days

  • Not respond to emails after hours (or after a particular hour)

  • Block out time in your calendar for strategic and proactive tasks

  • Eat lunch, uninterrupted and away from your desk, each day

  • Go to the gym every morning before work

When you start to prioritise the things that are important in all areas of your life you'll find ways to get your work done and succeed professionally.

You'll prioritise your work better and manage your time more effectively. And when you're doing that you'll have more energy to deliver high quality work, become more positive and optimistic about your future and build confidence around what you're capable of.

Setting and enforcing boundaries doesn't have to be rigid and inflexible, they just need to set a base level expectation that allows you to succeed in all areas of your life.

What are your boundaries? Do you struggle to enforce them?

Reach out for a chat if you'd like some strategies to put some boundaries in place that won't jeopardise your future career aspirations.

Until next time, stay awesome!

Shelley 😁

Leadership Speed Networking

Want to connect with more leaders who can help you learn and grow? Join me and Renée Giarrusso for one of these two events (one virtual and one face-to-face) for leaders to connect, converse and learn from each other. 👇

“We think, mistakenly, that success is the result of the amount of time we put in at work, instead of the quality of time we put in.”

~ Arianna Huffington

Shelley Flett | Shelley Flett Pty Ltd

Leadership & Team Performance Coach | Speaker | Trainer | Facilitator | Mentor


P: 0407 522 888


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