Subject: Hey Friend, have you taken my leadership quiz? 🤓


Quiz! Did someone say "quiz"?


Yep, that's right Friend, I have built a quiz...for you!

It includes a series of questions that are relevant for leaders at any level, in organisations of any size. They are the fundamentals of building and leading dynamic and cohesive teams.

“The single biggest way to impact an organisation is to focus on leadership development. There is almost no limit to the potential of an organisation that recruits good people, raises them up as leaders and continually develops them.”

~ John Maxwell

So, if you're serious about continuous leadership development and ready to increase the potential of your team then, take 7 minutes, jump on and see where you're at.

If you've already taken the quiz but haven't yet reached out for a chat, I encourage you to book in a time.

Stay awesome!


Take the quiz now!

Looking for ideas to have more meaningful development conversations with your staff?


Download the Career Resilience White Paper to learn more about the benefits of self initiation, adaptability, awareness and attitude.


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