Subject: Forget 2020...what are you going to make of 2021!

It's your mindset that will determine whether you run or crawl across the finish line this year! Mindset impacts motivation more than anything else...

What will you make of your 2021?


Hey Friend,

First, I want to apologise for the email I sent you last week that started with "Hey [[Firstname]]". It was a rookie move on my part and really not a reflection of the true value I have for you as a subscriber to my newsletter!

I do believe I've figured out how to personalise now (I've transferred to a new email platform which isn't as intuitive as my last) and am crossing my fingers, toes and whatever else I can contort that it works...eeek!

So, it's fast approaching the end of 2020 and a year I say "thank you and good riddance" to. It has been an annoying reality that "the greatest lessons are learnt through the toughest of experiences" and this year has proven that on a number of levels.

I could share all the challenges and what I'm grateful for (there's plenty of things on both sides) but actually what I prefer, is to simply dust my hands of the year (taking only the lessons forward) and set my focus on 2021.

What will next year hold for you?

"After this year, who on earth knows" you might be saying...Good point!

While there's no certainty about what next year will hold, it's worth taking a little time, on the lead up (or down) to Christmas, to ponder the possibilities...

Why not consider playing around with these questions in your mind:

Play, ponder, see what comes might be surprised.

For me, next year is about reaching out and connecting/reconnecting...people are my world and it is through a connected community that I believe we can all thrive.

Need help shaping your year ahead? Reach out for a chat!

And, stay awesome Friend!

S. 😁

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