Subject: Feedback Culture Program: Virtual Series

Feedback is one of the most undervalued and under-utilised tools we have at our disposable.

Feedback is one of the most undervalued and under-utilised tools we have at our disposable.

Join me for the virtual Feedback Culture series in partnership with Auscontact Association  

Leave the program with...

Better ways to communicate

Greater cohesion in your team

Increased ability to influence

Clear ways to grow and develop

Want to learn more?

Connection precedes feedback

At its highest level, connection governs the quality of a conversation. It determines whether feedback will be sought or given and whether it will be superficial and ambiguous or deep and meaningful.

Improve how you work

When feedback is actively sought and offered as part of an everyday team culture, then self-awareness across the group increases. When we’re more self-aware, we’re more open to shifting perspectives, to change and become curious about what we could do to improve.

Remain relevant... adopt a feedback mindset

Expand your thinking, improve how you approach your work and learn how to be more effective in your ongoing growth and development.

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