Subject: Excelling in high-pressure environments and avoiding burnout

A few weeks ago I was asked to host a round table discussion with a group of leaders to offer strategies to excel and avoid burnout...

Excel AND avoid burnout? 😳

Hey Friend

I recently hosted a round table discussion with leaders to share practical tips that help individuals excel in high pressure environments AND avoid burnout. 

The topic itself caused me a little overwhelm and took me some time to consider how I would approach it without my audience experiencing the same reaction I had. 

It seems like the responsibility of a leader is forever expanding with more and more being added to their plate and not a great deal being removed. The key message I delivered was this…

If you want to succeed as a leader in the future you need to work differently now. Consider the things you could STOP along with the things you could DO DIFFERENTLY. It is career limiting to think you can continue to add more and more to your workload and still be effective - it’s just not sustainable.

Here are the five practical tips I shared with my group:

  1. Be intentional - know why you're doing what you're doing and notice what gives you energy vs. what drains you.

  2. Communicate expectations - for you, for your team. Coach your team and build capability - empower them to be their best and succeed with confidence.

  3. Set boundaries - stop saying 'yes' to everything and instead engage in conversations about priorities and potential trade-off's with your existing workload.

  4. Take timeout - to reflect, refuel, re-energise and make sure you're getting enough sleep each night.

  5. Hold others accountable - and develop a culture of feedback and start by seeking it with a specific intention.

Want to learn more about any of these? Schedule a chat

Until then, stay awesome!

S. :-) 


Building the capability of your people doesn't happen by accident. What are you purposely doing to ensure you and your staff continually grow and improve?

It doesn't have to be anything too complex, time consuming or expensive. It could simply be to ask more and tell less - and be consistent in this approach.

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To be in service to others you must first take care of yourself!

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