Subject: Effective accountability conversations need 3 things!

Accountability conversations don't have to be awkward or challenging. If they're done with curiosity, compassion and conviction...

An effective accountability conversation starts with 3 things...

Hey Friend

How do you feel about having accountability conversations with your team, peers or even your manager?

Holding others accountable appears to be the most awkward conversation that leaders have - and often there's good reason for it.

You see, most of these conversations aren't set up well from the beginning so they achieve little more than eroding of trust, rapport and confidence in the other person.

An accountability conversation done well however, can have enormous benefits to individual and business performance. So, how do you do that?

Well, before entering the conversation, you should check to see if three things already exist between you and the other person. These are:

1. A trusting relationship - to allow a safe space for you both to understand each other - because nothing is ever black-and-white.
2. Open dialogue - where you ask more than you tell and listen more than you speak - to ensure the other person remains in control of their actions and continues to feel empowered.
3. Prior commitment - a clear understanding of what was expected, with who and by when. Having a solid commitment ensures you're both on the same page and the conversation isn't a surprise - because people don't generally like surprises.

Take the time to set up the conversation from the very beginning and it won't be awkward or uncomfortable - instead it will be relaxed and meaningful.

Need help? Reach out for a chat.

Until then, stay awesome!

Shelley 😁


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