Subject: Dynamic leaders constantly adapt!

Are you guilty of giving up too soon? So often resign ourselves to the belief that we've "done everything we could"...but that not true...

Hey Friend,

I hope this email finds you well!

This week I'm curious to learn, are you guilty of giving up too soon?

So often I speak with leaders who have attempted to influence the behaviour or performance of their staff only to find the approach didn't work. Some will try a different approach but when that still doesn't shift the outcome they will often resign themselves to the belief that "I've done everything I could".

They give up - they detach - they withdraw - they leave their staff to figure it out on their own. Or worse, they move the 'problem' or adjust their expectations of the person to work around them and avoid solving the issue.

What a dynamic leader does, however, is continue to adapt until they find the thing that works. They exhaust everything in their toolkit before looking outside for other alternatives. Simply put...they never give up!

If you have performance or behavioural challenges in your team, and you've exhausted all of your approaches then try some of these things to generate som new ideas:

👉 Talk to a colleague and ask for their advice.

👉 Listen to a podcast on leadership (The Dynamic Leader podcast is packed full of great ideas).

👉 Watch a YouTube video or a TED Talk.

👉 Join the next Dynamic Leaders Tutelage

👉 Email me for personalised support.

There is always something else you can do...Keep adapting, keep learning...Continue to be in service to your people!

Stay awesome!

S. 😁

Development opportunities 👇


This series is ideal for new or emerging leaders who need strategies and tools to lead their team/s effectively. With an effective structure and a shift in focus it is possible to build a sustainable environment to operate dynamically. Register


Feedback is one of the most undervalued and under-utilised tools we have at our disposable. This three week series will teach you how to seek, receive and give feedback in a way that strengthens relationships and increases cohesion. Delivered through four 3-hour virtual sessions via Zoom. Register

Coaching with Shelley is conducted in line with ICF Core Competencies and focuses on closing the gap between where you currently are and where you'd like to be. It is not for the faint hearted - only those ready to make real change. Learn more

Staying the same is no longer an option! You must appreciate that business is constantly evolving... and anticipate how your role might need to change in the future to remain relevant in the world of leadership.Find out where you're at on your leadership journey.  Register

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