Subject: Don't make it hard for your top talent to stay with your organisation.

Understand their needs and do what you can to meet them. If the effort to stay exceeds the effort to leave, they will leave.

Don't make it hard for your top talent to stay...

Hey Friend,

You might be aware that the number one HR priority for organisations globally right now is the attraction and retention of top talent. They are in high demand and short supply, so investing in their growth and development is more important now than ever.

Some of the considerations that will help to nurture top talent is to:

  • Make them feel accepted?

  • Make them feel challenged?

  • Make them feel inspired?

  • Make them feel connected?

Above all treat your top talent like the mature, competent adults they are. Give them the choice, autonomy and the opportunity to work in a way that allows them to be their best everyday.

If you would like to have a chat about opportunities please reach out for a chat.

Until then, stay awesome!

S. 😁

Invest in your top talent 👇

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