Subject: Do you lead with love or with fear?

When leaders have clear boundaries, make themselves a priority and want the best for their people - they're probably leading with love...

Lead with LOVE not fear!

Hey Friend

A few years ago (early 2020) I had a Zoom conversation with Bops Singh, a leader in academia who I'd met through LinkedIn and was curious to learn more about. How I expected the conversation to go and how it actually went was very different. I thought we would exchange some polite, high level dialogue along with insights around experience. What Bops shared with me however was so much deeper. While I heard what he was saying, at the time, I didn't really connect with it...but...I left the conversation and I reflected....and reflected...

I have reflected on it so much, in fact, that I thought you might get value out of what he had to say.

Here's the message he sent me after our call summarising what he shared:

I have since adopted this way of thinking and can 100% vouch for the 'bulletproof' feeling it gives. When I lead with 'love', I am open, curious and accepting. I am not drained of energy and my self-talk is mostly positive.

When I lead with love I can still hold people accountable and share when I'm upset or disappointed but it does no harm to them as people. They don't feel judged or criticised, they feel empowered to own their actions and reflect on what happened and what might be needed to move forward.

I still find myself occasionally leading with 'fear' and I take it as a sign that I might not be looking after myself as well as I could. It's also a signal that I've lost site of what's important in my work and I've become distracted by the noise. Either way, it gives me the opportunity to refocus.

Every now and then, someone comes into your life and drops a little piece of wisdom that changes how you work, live and conversation with Bops did exactly that. I am now paying it forward!

Want to learn to lead with love? Schedule a time to chat with me here.

Stay awesome

S. 😁

Psychometric Assessments

I have accreditations in a number of psychometric tools that help to expand awareness and offer insights to become a more effective leader.

** Drop me an email if you interested in learning more **

Life Styles Inventory™ (LSI)

This an organisational tool that uses both self-assessment and colleague feedback (360) to identify individual thinking and behavioural styles.

Emotional Capital Report


Understand your key skills in emotional intelligence and an interpretation of your leadership potential.

Everything DiSC

Deepen understanding of self and others, learn how to build better relationships

with others through improved communication.

"Where possible, come from a place of love" ~ Bops Singh

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