Subject: Celebrate with us: The release of our new book Feedback - Seek it, give it, connect with it

Ongoing growth and development are critical to closing the expanding skills gap that exists across the globe right now. Leaders are now responsible...

Join us in celebrating the release of our new book Feedback - Seek it, give it, connect with it!

Hey Friend,

My colleague, Dwight Hodge, and I are thrilled to announce the release of our new book Feedback - Seek it, Give it, Connect with it.

If you're tired of doing the same things and not getting the results you want, this book is a game changer.

It's based around the need for people leaders to find more sustainable ways to build the capability of their people and shares opportunities to create ongoing growth and development, maintain strong, cohesive team cultures, all while delivering business outcomes.

Feedback is a powerful tool that can open and improve communication channels, allow for quick and efficient adjustments, and boost overall effectiveness. Without it, poor communication can cost businesses millions of dollars each year.

We want to change the negative perceptions so many people associate with feedback. We want to unlock the efficiency, freedom, and success you can achieve when feedback is embraced and implemented.

Let's help feedback work for you and your team!

Shelley 😁

The Lead to Grow program consists of four (3-hour) virtual sessions that focus on different aspects of feedback, including the importance of seeking and giving feedback, how to deliver feedback effectively, and how to develop a feedback culture within your team.

Each session includes interactive activities and exercises to help you apply the feedback principles to your team and your own leadership style.

If you want to take your learning to the next level and create a culture of growth and development within your team, the Lead to Grow program is the perfect solution.

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