Subject: Building the capabilities of your people doesn't happen by accident.

Developing your people doesn't have to be anything too complex, time consuming or expensive. It could simply be to ask more and tell less...

Invest | Inspire | Influence

What are you purposely doing to ensure you and your staff continually grow and improve?

Hey Friend

Do you have a team of individuals who are overly-reliant on you?

Are you, in turn, succumbing to their needs and feeding the problem (that you probably created in the beginning)?

If your people are too dependent on you then it's time to focus on building capability...

Building capability across your team is a long-game. It doesn't happen quickly, it takes time and investment, from you, as their leader. It isn't a one-off action but more of a rhythm or a practice that is constant and ongoing.

It involves you seeing every interaction as an opportunity to teach rather than tell. It involves you pausing to let your people do the thinking, organising and solving rather than stepping in and taking over.

So much of a leaders time is spent giving answers, solving problems, fixing mistakes...but that's not really your job!

Your job, as a dynamic leader is to teach your people how to find their own answers, solve their own problems and fix their own mistakes - with your support and guidance where required.

Your job is to ask better questions and get them thinking for themselves, rather than depending on you to do it!

Do your job - be dynamic!

And stay awesome!


This series is ideal for new or emerging leaders who need strategies and tools to lead their team/s effectively. With an effective structure and a shift in focus it is possible to build a sustainable environment to operate dynamically.


This program encourages you to reflect on your current ‘life’ position. Many of us don’t think about ‘building’ resilience until we’re already feeling the pressure and need to tap into it. This program aims to equip you with the tools you need to shift focus and bounce back from adversity.


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Build capability > reduce dependency

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