Hey Friend,
If you're going to get better and working with ambiguity, adapting to constant change and dealing with the paradoxes of leadership, then the first shift you need to make is to reduce the ‘doing’ and increase the ‘being’.
Take the opportunity to get out of the weeds and stand above the garden. Take the time to look at what’s going on and where you might need to give focus. Figure out what your own learning journey looks like and make room to bring it to life.
The leadership environment will continue to evolve, and if you don’t get on board, you will get left behind—and so will your team. This means prioritising not just the tasks at hand but also the bigger picture of where you and your team are heading.
Being a leader today is more complex than ever. It requires not just doing more but being more — more aware, more adaptable, and more focused on growth. Take the time to develop these qualities and integrate them into your leadership approach.
If you’d like to chat about what embracing the leadership paradox looks like for you and your leaders, join me on the 5th of July for a dynamic masterclass.
Until then, stay awesome!
Shelley 🤔
Shelley Flett Leadership Trainer, Facilitator & Coach | Shelley Flett Pty Ltd M: 0407 522 888 | E: shelley@shelleyflett.com | W: shelleyflett.com |