Subject: Are you open to different perspectives?

When you can take on multiple perspectives you reduce judgement and increase curiosity - which allows expanded thinking, innovation and creativity...

Hey Friend

How open to other peoples opinions are you?

When someone thinks, speaks or acts in a way that is different to yours, how do you respond?

Do you defend what you know? Perhaps you pass judgement? Or, are you curious to understand them better? 

Alongside mindset, perspective is one of my favourite things to talk about with leaders and people in general. 

It was through shifting my own perspective and becoming deeply curious about others that accelerated my growth both personally and professionally.

When working with leaders, my key message is not necessarily to let go of your own perspective, more to loosen the grip, so that others may share theirs. Rather than making a statement or giving an opinion, ask a question...then another and another.

Reserve your judgement, press pause on your assumptions and just consider "what if...".

Dan Brown quoted that “sometimes all it takes is a tiny shift in perspective to see something familiar in a totally new light”. How relevant is this in a world where we've created so much complexity that we're often paralysed to do anything at all.

So, I have an idea...

Let's go into next week by swapping complex for simple...a simple shift in perspective...and see where that takes us.

Stay awesome Friend!

Shelley 😁



The ability to invest in trusting relationships, inspire respect through healthy conversation and influence results by empowering others, is the future of leadership and no longer a nice-to-have but a must-have skill. Learn how to become a Dynamic Leader by joining the next virtual series kicking off 23rd of June.

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This interactive program is ideal if you are wanting to build confidence in your strengths and abilities; take control of your career and future direction; and, create flexibility in dealing with change. Next virtual series kicking off in partnership with Auscontact Association on the 3rd of August.

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The greatest tragedy for any human being is going through their entire lives believing the only perspective that matters is their own. 

- Doug Baldwin

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