Subject: Are you having regular values-based conversations with your team?

25% of leaders responded FALSE to the statement "I live and breathe the VALUES of my business AND refer to them regularly in conversations with staff"

Are you having


Based Conversations?


Hey Friend,

25% of leaders, who responded to the Leadership Journey Quiz, answered FALSE to the statement "I live and breathe the VALUES of my business AND refer to them regularly in conversations with staff".

This worries me! 😬

What about you? How well do you live and breathe your organisational values?

Do you see opportunity in referencing your values in everyday conversations?

Or, are they just a poster on the wall, or a reason to run a team workshop once a year.

Values are gold for leaders, when setting expectations around how an individual or team behaves. They are the guiding posts for alignment, consistency, empowerment, team culture and accountability.

If you're not having values based conversations with your people regularly then you are doing your business a disservice and limiting it from reaching its full potential.

Want to have a conversation about fully embedding values into your business? Drop me an email to have a chat.

Until then, stay awesome!


Leadership Speed Networking

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Leadership Quiz


Leadership is an ongoing journey of learning, growing, adapting and evolving. If you're curious about where you're at as a leader >>>

take this free, 5-minute (4-minutes if you really pay attention) quiz >>>


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This six month group coaching program is where leaders learn the basics of coaching and how to build the capability and autonomy of their teams through empowerment, accountability and awareness.

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