Subject: Are you getting in your own way?

Even when we consciously want things to change we often sabotage ourselves by going back to what we know, what is familiar...and find ourselves stuck

Get out of your way!

Hey Friend,

Ever feel like your biggest obstacle on the path to success is YOU?

You're not alone. I get in my own way, all the time.

Ironically, self-sabotage is a hurdle many high-performing leaders experience. I want to share the top five hurdles I see with the leaders I work with and how you might overcome them.

First up, self-confidence and self-worth. It's easy to doubt yourself, especially when the stakes are high. But confidence isn't about knowing you won't fail; it's about believing you'll figure it out, even if you do.

Second, is the inability to rely on others. This one's tough, but leaning on your support network (including your romantic partner), is not a weakness. It's a strategic move that can lift some weight off your shoulders.

Third, is money. Obsessing over financial status or fretting over your earning potential is a common trap. Shift your focus from how much you earn to how much you learn and contribute...your worth isn't just in your wallet.

Fourth, is communication. Not being open about your thoughts and feelings can create barriers. Share your insights and fears and allow honest communication to build mutual trust and respect.

And fifth, is work-life balance. If you're all work and no play, or constantly putting others' needs before your own, you're heading for burnout. It's not selfish to prioritise your well-being; it's essential.

The road to dynamic leadership isn't just about overcoming external challenges; it's about conquering the internal ones too.

Find that sweet spot where professional growth and personal well-being can exist harmoniously.

Want to learn more? Find a time to have a conversation with me!

Shelley 😁

Shelley Flett

Leadership Trainer, Facilitator & Coach | Shelley Flett Pty Ltd 

M: 0407 522 888 | E: | W:

Grab yourself a copy of the Feedback book to learn how to seek and give feedback effectively!

Audio version available on Audible, Spotify and Apple Books

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