Subject: Are you evolving fast enough?

One of my favourite leadership topics to talk about right now is the future of work. Over the past few years we have entered a new space...

Are you evolving fast enough?

Hey Friend

One of the questions I love to ask leaders at the moment is "how do you feel about change?".

To my delight, most leaders I speak to say they've learned to become quite comfortable with the continually changing environment we now live and work in.


What I'm also hearing though is leaders are generally responding more to change rather than anticipating it...and I think it's here that we have an opportunity to do things a little differently.

Rather than being behind the change, why don't we invest a little time in learning to get ahead of it?

How do you do that?

Well, I'm sure there are a myriad of ways you could do this, but the one that comes to mind for me is simply to become curious about what's going on around you.

⁉️ What's happening in other teams within your organisation?

⁉️ What's happening within businesses in the same industry as you?

⁉️ What's happening across different industries...different markets...different geographies?

When you start to pay attention to what's going on you'll start to notice trends. The trends allow you to form your own hypothesis which you can use to consider how your environment might need to respond to what's coming...and then you can prepare for it.

I don't want to over-simplify the work of those who predict the future for a living (I 100% respect the work they do). I simply want to encourage all of us to expand our awareness and notice more than what's right in front of us.

In light of this, I thought you might appreciate this really cool conversation I had late last year with Ali Local about the future of work and how leaders need to continually evolve...or risk being left behind.

Take a look...

If you're keen to learn other ways to get ahead of change instead of always running behind it, join me at the next Dynamic Leaders tutelage, commencing 22nd of February.


Until then, stay awesome!

Shelley 😁

Dynamic Leaders Tutelage

A program of insight, perspective, and reflection – often things you don’t get in your day-to-day. This one-month program is ideal for leaders who need strategies and tools to lead their team/s effectively.


I still have a few remaining spots to fill as part of my 2022 offer for 22 people to have a complimentary one on one development session with me to help identify areas to build confidence, save time and become more effective in the way they lead. Want to secure yourself a place? Register here.

The future of leadership will look like two adults standing side-by-side, with all their knowledge, skills and experience, supporting each other with deep trust and respect to grow and become the best version of themselves while working collectively to achieve the vision of the organisation.

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