Subject: 5 ways to reduce unplanned absences in your team

While you're not fully responsible for unplanned absences in your team, you do have a role to play in creating an optimal environment.


Hey Friend,

What does absenteeism look like for your team?

I love this quote from my recent podcast interview with CEO of Auscontact Association, Fiona Keough, on absenteeism. She says life is the biggest contributor of unplanned absences and that...

”Life is messy, It’s complicated and it's unpredictable, and work, tends to be planned, structured and, dare I say it, inflexible. So when those two go together they are diametrically opposed”.

And while you as a leader are not solely responsible for absenteeism you do have a role to play to keep it at a manageable level.

Here are five opportunities that might help you to reduce unplanned absences in your team.

#1 - Get to know your people

Develop strong trusting relationships with your staff and understand what’s going on in their lives - and what kinds of messiness they’re trying to navigate. See if there’s options to work differently.

#2 - Understand motivators & de-motivators 

Your staff will be more likely to come to work for a job that motivates them than one that doesn't. Talk to them about what gets them out of bed in the morning and what goals they have in life - then look for ways to keep them motivated - or avoid them from becoming de-motivated.

#3 - Listen with curiosity

Stop what you're doing and listen to your staff when they're speaking to you. Don't pretend to listen, selectively listen or listen to respond. Listen for the purpose of understanding and connecting. Listen without judgement and give them the space to share and contribute.

#4 - Have fun

Laughing helps to reduce stress, soothe tension and improve the overall mood of a person. When it's done at a team level the positive emotions are contagious and can have a long lasting impact on an individuals mental health and wellbeing. And they'll be wanting to stick around for more!

#5 - Be proactive

Make sure your staff are taking a good break once or twice a year to fully disconnect and recharge. If they don't have anything booked in then encourage them to think about it.

Notice dips in energy or engagement with your staff and take action before they become unwell. It doesn't need to be anything big and it doesn't need to be time consuming, it just needs to be appropriate for the individual.

If you'd like to have a conversation about what you can do to improve unplanned absences please reach out.

Until then - Stay awesome!

Shelley 😁

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