Subject: 2021 is the year of transition!

Through transition I see positive movement, opportunity, excitement and growth - that's what I want from my year ahead.

How will you lead your team through the transition?


Hey Friend,

How is your year going so far?

What is your key focus for the next few months? What is your broader focus for 2021?

Over the break I did a little research to find out what the biggest focus for business leaders should be throughout 2021. The theme that came up, and resonated, was 'TRANSITION'.

In an article written by McKinsey they shared how business leaders can...

"...look forward to shaping their futures rather than just grinding through the present".

I'm not sure about you but I find a little relief in that statement - 2020 was a definitely grind and not fun at all - transition, in contrast, feels heavenly.

In transition I see positive movement, opportunity, excitement and growth - that's what I want from my year ahead.

So then the question is, what do you have planned for your team?

How will you ensure that they have what they need to transition throughout the year?

How resilient are they to continue to deal with the ambiguity they'll continue to face?

I am continuing to run my Personal Resilience Program this year for the purpose of equipping employees, at all levels, with the tools they need to bounce back from whatever challenge comes their way.

The program can be run in-house and customised to meet your specific needs or you can send your staff along to a public program. The next public program kicks off on the 28th January @ 11:30am -

Whether you invest in resilience training or you do something else, make sure you do something. Professional growth and development is the number one driver of employee satisfaction and the reason they will stay with you longer.

So for your success and that of your business, make the investment, it's totally worth it.


Stay awesome! 

S. 😁

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"One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again.”

~ Abraham Maslow

Shelley Flett | Shelley Flett Pty Ltd

Leadership & Team Performance Coach | Speaker | Trainer | Facilitator | Mentor


P: 0407 522 888



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