Subject: 20 leadership skills for the future of work - Part III

Here's your third instalment of the next five essential leadership skills for the future of work...


Part III

Hi Friend

I hope you've enjoyed the first ten leadership skills for the future of work over the past two weeks. So far, we've explored the skills of:

  1. Becoming undistractable

  2. Creating and maintaining a safe work environment

  3. Creating and innovating

  4. Growing and developing yourself and others

  5. Building communities and fostering trusting relationships

  6. Be the driver of change

  7. Be kind, show compassion, embrace empathy

  8. Engage through coaching and mentoring

  9. Be curious, ask questions and listen without judgement

  10. Continually build resilience

Let's take look at the next five...👇👇👇👇👇


Eat that frog!! My favourite time management book by author Brian Tracy. Originally published in 2001 this is still one of the most easily applicable ways to increase your effectiveness.

Brain says…

“The key to success is not to try to do everything, but to focus fully on the most vital tasks, take action, and complete them well. The analogy of eating frogs comes from Mark Twain, who says that if you can start your morning by eating a live frog, you’d have tackled the worst thing that can happen that day. Your frog is your most crucial task—what you’re most likely to defer, yet can create the biggest impact on your outcomes.”


How are you feeling right now?

How are you REALLY feeling?

And how are your feelings impacting how you show up?

How are they impacting those around you?

Developing awareness, both of yourself and others, is critical for a dynamic culture and maintaining a sense of optimism and possibility across your team.

Build your awareness, manage your emotions, influence those around you.


Samantha Taylor said to me recently "your authentic leadership is not about your ego, it’s about being heart-centred so you can help other people" awesome is that!

When you're operating from a position of love (not the romantic-kind, the genuine-care-for-humanity kind), your focus becomes about expanding the potential of yourself and others in a way that is authentic, is energising and oozes humility.

Swap fear for love and embrace the possibilities that come with it!


The pressure to deliver results can sometimes lead us to working in ways that go against our organisational values, particularly if we're under tight timeframes and feeling a little stressed.

The future of work will require leaders to live and breathe their business values and model the behaviours they expect from their people...and still deliver high quality, efficient results.

If you don't know the values of your organisation from memory then this is a great place to start.


Every single one of us has work to do on how effectively we communicate with others. It is one of those things that is forever evolving and never ending.

Contrast how we used to communicate 30 years ago compared to today. We would never have said "take a beat" or "my bad" or "it's important that we remain 'present' through this session", yet it's common language today.

Take notice of not only the words you use but also of how you say them, your physiology and the emotion that sits behind it.

Become aware of what resonates and what misses the mark.

Play with different approaches and notice the difference.

If you've never had a DiSC profile done and are interested in how this can support your development in communication reach out for a chat.

As always I'd love to hear your thoughts and, of course, if there's anything I can do to support your own transition to becoming 'future ready' please reach out.

Until then, stay awesome!

Shelley 😁

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