Subject: 20 leadership skills for the future of work - Part II

Continuing this week to share five more essential leadership skills for the future of work...


Part II

Hi Friend

I hope you enjoyed the first five leadership skills for the future of work last week. We explored the skills of:

  1. Becoming undistractable

  2. Creating and maintaining a safe work environment

  3. Creating and innovating

  4. Growing and developing yourself and others

  5. Building communities and fostering trusting relationships

This week we look at the next five...👇👇👇👇👇

As always I'd love to hear your thoughts and, of course, if there's anything I can do to support your own transition to becoming 'future ready' please reach out.

Until then, stay awesome!

Shelley 😁


As a leader you are the difference between a change succeeding or failing - and often it's based on how you feel about it personally.

Do what you need to get comfortable with all the changes you're presented with yourself, then...

Create the space for people to understand, acknowledge, commit and embrace each change that is presented.


I love this article about not being a jerk...seems like an appropriate way to end the week.

Scott Galloway says “We all have good intentions that don’t lead to action. We have an even greater reservoir of admiration and good thoughts about others that get caught in the filters of insecurity and fear.”

Check it out here.


Coaching and mentoring puts you beside your people (instead of above them) and it provides long lasting benefits like...

💎 Improved communication

💎 Deeper trust

💎 Better problem solving abilities

💎 Increased confidence

💎 Greater empowerment

To switch to a coaching and mentoring style of leadership simply start by asking questions and offering experiences.


“Curiosity is a willing, a proud, and eager confession of ignorance.”

~ S. Leonard Rubinstein

Swap out ignorance for insight. Try this in your next one on one conversation…

🐾 Listen and only ask questions.

🐾 Don’t hijack the conversation with your opinions or advice.

🐾 Focus on learning to understand the other person, their ways of working, motivators, values and beliefs.


Resilience isn’t something we’re born with. We build it from a young age as we experience and overcome challenging situations.

Through-out life's ups and downs we continue to experience adversity and it is our level of resilience -that determines how quickly we can bounce back and persist.

Many of us don’t think about ‘building’ resilience until we’re already feeling the pressure and need to tap into it.

The future of work will require all leaders to build and maintain high levels of resilience so when they're faced with adversity they can continue to succeed and keep their teams going.

Want to become future ready?

Connect with me through socials...

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