Subject: 20 leadership skills for the future of work - Part I

Each week for the next four weeks I will share a selection of essential skills leaders will need to master to be effective in the future.


Part I

Hi Friend

You've seen the last two years completely disrupt how we live, work and play...and it looks like there's more to come with regards to how we lead.

No longer are the soft skills a 'nice to have', they are now a 'must have' and essential for the future of work and they're now referred to as POWER SKILLS.

So...I've put together a list of the top 20 skills leaders will need to learn to help their teams become future ready and positioned to succeed. I'm going to share five each week for the next four weeks. Here's your first five!

I'd love to hear your thoughts and, of course, if there's anything I can do to support your own transition to becoming 'future ready' please reach out.

Until then, stay awesome!

Shelley 😁


Learn to focus on single tasks, without constant distraction, including the distraction we create ourselves. Becoming undistractable has many benefits, including improved creativity, reduced overwhelm, increased effectiveness...the list goes on.


If you're wanting your people to challenge processes, innovate, learn and grow then you must provide a space that feels safe enough to push the limits and risk falling over.

Create an environment where every idea holds value, where listening comes before speaking and where curiosity takes the place of judgement.


Albert Einstein said "creativity is seeing what everyone else has seen, and thinking what no one else has thought.” It's all about seeing things differently.

And to see different you must first do disrupt automatic thought processes and behaviours. Disrupt your day, have a steak for breakfast and a bowl of cereal for dinner.

Shift your perspective by shifting your position...then...see what happens!


According to the future of jobs survey 2020 "skills stability is likely to turn over by 44% before 2025. Only 56% of core skills that will be required to perform a job will remain the same."

To be future ready it makes sense to develop a practice that incorporates learning into your everyday rhythm and allows you to continually grow.


Relationships are the foundation of all dynamic teams. It is through each individual connection that a leader creates trust across the collective. It is the collective that enables you to build strong and resilient communities that will thrive in any environment.

Want to become future ready?

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